Competitor analysis

Use this competitive matrix to identify competitors.

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Competitor analysis example

What is the competitor analysis template?

The competitor analysis template was created in partnership with Product School, the global leader in product management training and certification. Our template features a competitive matrix to help you better understand who your competitors are, how your product compares to others, and what you can do to get ahead.

Benefits of using the competitor analysis template

Our competitor analysis template helps you visualize where your business stands compared to your competition. Easily compile key information about what makes your product unique and what you could do to make your business even more competitive. Our template is highly customizable and shareable, so you can align and gain feedback from anyone, anywhere, in a matter of clicks.

How to use the competitor analysis template in Lucidspark

Here’s a step-by-step guide to getting started with your competitor analysis using our matrix template:

  • Begin by plotting your company and competitors on the matrix. Change the axis titles if needed.
  • Analyze the following using the information you’ve plotted:
    1. What makes your product unique?
    2. What do you do better than your competitors?
    3. What do you do similarly to your competitors?
    4. How can you improve?

    Once your analysis is complete, share your diagram with stakeholders to gather feedback and ensure your team is aligned moving forward.

    Check out all six Product School templates:

    1. Product strategy canvas
    2. Product launch checklist
    3. Value proposition canvas
    4. Competitor analysis
    5. Feature market analysis
    6. Objectives and key results

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    Product School

    Product School is the global leader in Product Management training and certification. We train Product Managers at all stages of their careers and entire Product teams within organizations to build amazing products.

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