Dot voting template for collaborative decision-making

Use this dot voting template for your next brainstorm session; submit ideas and cast online votes for favorites. Make group decision-making quick and easy.

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Dot voting template

What is dot voting and how can it help group decision-making?

For many groups, it can be difficult and time-consuming to reach a unified decision. You want everyone to have a say in decisions that will affect them, but you also want your decision-making process to be swift, efficient, and painless. Sometimes it’s difficult to have both of these things at once. If you use dot voting, however, you can enjoy the best of both worlds.

Dot voting provides a quick, democratic way to identify your team’s preferences from a list of given options. It’s an ideal option when you’re having trouble coming to a consensus on a decision, when you feel that you’re only getting input from a few individuals, when you want to ensure that everyone has an equal voice, or when you need to make a group decision quickly.

How to use Lucidspark’s dot voting template for quick group decisions

You can use our dot voting template on its own or drop it into any existing Lucidspark board whenever you need to come to a quick group consensus. To use the template:

  1. Provide a list of options on sticky notes, or have the group brainstorm ideas on sticky notes and add to the board.
  2. To organize the sticky notes, use the Sort or Gather tools to group similar ideas together. If you plan to vote for more than one decision at the same time, group options into categories accordingly.
  3. Assign all participants in your group a dot color so everyone gets the same number.
  4. Set a timer, and have everyone place their dots on their favorite options. You can allow everyone to expend their dots however they will, or, if you’re voting in different categories, you can mandate that a certain number of dots be used in each category.
  5. Count up the number of dots each option has and identify the winning options. At this point, you can discuss the outcome as a group and if necessary, hold more rounds of voting to narrow down any options further.

For more tips, see our blog post on how to conduct an effective dot voting session as well as how to get around potential problems. When dot voting is used effectively, you’ll find that it reduces bias, increases efficiency, and ensures that everyone’s vote has the same weight.

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